Quote request form 10″ (25cm)
This format has a special size of about 25cm (between 7 inch and 12 inch) and has an average weight of +/- 110gr.
By using this format, our cutting room can transpose up to about 20 minutes per side.
The quotation sent will be the most accurate as possible but will be only indicative.
If you want to place an order, quotation will be reviewed point by point together before validation.
Postal code, city and country are required in order to add shipping costs on your quote.
Our actual turnaround times WITH or WITHOUT test pressings are :
Standard 12″ : +/- 8 weeks
Standard 10″ : +/- 8 weeks
Standard 7″ small holes : +/- 8 weeks
Standard 7″ big holes : +/- 8 weeks
Urgent : Not provided
Represses : Not provided
from receipt of all elements (audio, artwork & payment).
This period is corresponding to actual demand on market.
You should receive your quotation within 72h, otherwise renew your request.